Demyan Lavor on Real Christianity and Business

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What is Real Christianity and Business dot com?

Real Christianity and Business dot com it's a website where I Demyan Lavor write my thoughts about Christianity and Business Today. I have a few pages on my website and soon Real Christianity and Business will be bigger about 1000 pages... so visit me daily!

1 comment:

  1. I just checked out your website and I am impressed. I love it. You inspired me to start my own Blog. I have been thinking about it for a little while. I want to start my own magazine by 2013, after Graduate School basically. My whole life revolves around Jesus and I want to write about him and how to help the world along with it. So anyway I will pray for you and all the things special to you. God Bless!

    Krysta D.
